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The Ministry of Commerce responds to recent hot topics in economic and trade

"At present, the working teams of China and Europe are stepping up consultations to reach a solution acceptable to both sides and promote the resolution of reasonable concerns of both sides." "We urge the Canadian side not to practice protectionism in the name of 'fair competition'." "The Ministry of Commerce and the People's Government of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region will jointly hold the 'Deepening Import and Export and Serving Dual Circulation' CIIE Entering Guangxi event from July 3 to 5 this year."... At the regular press conference of the Ministry of Commerce held on June 27, spokesperson He Yadong responded to recent hot business topics.

Chinese and European working teams

Negotiations are being pushed forward

On June 22, Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao held a video conference with European Commission Executive Vice President and Trade Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis at his request. The two sides agreed to launch consultations on the EU's anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese electric vehicles. At the press conference, He Yadong responded to the progress of the consultations, which was of great concern to all parties, and said: "At present, the working teams of China and the EU are stepping up the consultations to strive to reach a solution acceptable to both sides and promote the resolution of the reasonable concerns of both sides."

He Yadong said that China has repeatedly expressed serious concerns and firm opposition to the EU's anti-subsidy investigation on Chinese electric vehicles, and has always advocated properly handling economic and trade frictions through dialogue and consultation. At present, the working teams of both sides maintain close communication and speed up the consultation work.

"The essence of China-EU cooperation is complementary advantages, mutual benefit and win-win results. The two sides have broad space for cooperation in the field of green transformation." He Yadong expressed the hope that the EU and China will meet each other halfway and push for positive progress in the consultations as soon as possible to reach a solution acceptable to both sides, so as to avoid the escalation of trade frictions and the adverse impact on China-EU economic and trade relations.

Urge Canada not to use the name of "fair competition"

Protectionism in practice

The official website of the Canadian Ministry of Finance recently issued a statement saying that Canada will launch a 30-day public consultation period on July 2, 2024 on raising tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles to discuss feasible policy measures to protect its auto workers and the electric vehicle industry.

He Yadong bluntly stated that China is highly concerned about this and urged Canada not to practice protectionism in the name of "fair competition". China will closely follow Canada's subsequent moves and firmly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies.

He Yadong stressed that the development of China's electric vehicle industry is the result of open competition, the continuous promotion of technological innovation, the improvement of the production and supply chain system, and the optimization of the market ecology. Chinese electric vehicles are welcomed by global users, including Canadian consumers, and have made great contributions to the global response to climate change and green transformation.

"Canada has long claimed to support free trade and is a beneficiary of the multilateral trading system based on WTO rules. Canada should respect facts, abide by WTO rules, and create a fair, non-discriminatory and predictable market environment for the common development of the China-Canada electric vehicle industry," said He Yadong.

Imported styrene originating from three places

Continue to impose anti-dumping duties

Recently, the Tariff Committee of the State Council decided, based on the suggestion of the Ministry of Commerce, to continue to impose anti-dumping duties on imported styrene originating from South Korea, Taiwan and the United States from June 23 for a period of 5 years.

He Yadong introduced that on June 21, 2023, at the request of the styrene industry in mainland China, the Ministry of Commerce initiated a final review investigation on the anti-dumping measures applicable to imported styrene originating from South Korea, Taiwan and the United States in accordance with the law. "The review investigation ruled that if the anti-dumping measures were terminated, dumping and damage would continue or reoccur, and decided to continue to implement anti-dumping measures for 5 years from June 23, 2024."

He Yadong emphasized that during the investigation of the case, the Ministry of Commerce conducted investigations strictly in accordance with laws, regulations and relevant WTO rules, protected the rights of all parties in accordance with the law, gave all parties ample opportunities to submit information and make comments, and after carefully reviewing the evidence materials, objectively, fairly and impartially reached investigation conclusions.

CIIE Enters Guangxi Event

It will be held from July 3rd to 5th

Reporters learned from the press conference that the Ministry of Commerce and the People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region will jointly hold the "Deepening Import and Export Service Dual Circulation" CIIE event in Guangxi from July 3 to 5 this year. At present, all work is being carried out in an orderly manner.

According to He Yadong, this event will fully rely on Guangxi's unique location advantages, industrial characteristics and ethnic characteristics, and specifically invite exhibitors, investment promotion agencies and multinational companies to the CIIE. At the same time, it will enrich the content of the event and help Guangxi expand its domestic and foreign opening up by holding economic and trade investment promotion conferences and key industry special matchmaking conferences.

He Yadong said that the CIIE has been successfully held for six sessions, continuously promoting "exhibits into commodities, exhibitors into investors", and releasing the spillover effect of the CIIE. This year, the Ministry of Commerce will continue to carry out a series of investment promotion activities of "CIIE Going to Local Areas" to help build the "Invest in China" brand, attract investors from all over the world to choose China, take root in China, and share China's "opening dividends".